hedge fund + website and CE mark removal was supposed to all be completed and on the same PR.
Dr Husid told me he was submitting the hedge fund form D to the SEC, regardless of CE mark removal on Monday that has already passed. Therefore
1 more thing remains, that is the website.
He also said by this Thursday which is tomorrow MIHL wants to submit a PR. Given the details of the timing, i would say tomarrow a PR could be released, perhaps maybe friday. Although he had hoped for Thursday all 3 of the listed items could be on the PR.
Also note Dr. Evgeni Husid also stated that during the end of this month the main BOD will be taking a trip to Brazil to finalize the funding with the Notes. It is also my understanding Brazil and MIHL has reached a negotiation for a decreased amount of funding in the form of bonds to 700 million dollars worth. In exchange for the funding reduction there is most likely a reduction in the $200,000 for the deal to be complete. IMO i would assume getting a hold of 200,000 dollars by october 15, 2012 was too risky. So MIHL decided to reduce the allotment of funding for a smaller up front Fee to qualify!
This in itself should be the driving kick that puts us all in the Green by thousands of percent. Remember MIHL wants to have audited 3Q fiancials however unless funding is processed and finalized they will not Audit financials until it is so.
IMO that is smart, why waste $35,000 to audit zero dollars!
At any rate, we have dates for completion on the funding. We know that October 15, 2012 is the deadline for the deal and we know its about 1 month away. 3Q ends at the end of this month. I am pretty sure MIHL will in some clever way add the funding in the 3Q report as to keep up with their business plan. If one Bullet falls behind schedule then other plans can be affected. Funding is needed for every aspect of a business. Without it MIHL does not proceed forward in any way. I have a feeling for this reason MIHL will do whatever it takes even if it means to reduce the funding amounts. Afterall have some is better than have none. Also They wont audit a zero balance, therefore BOA will not allow MIHL to open funding. That said strategically they must obtain the bonds, even if its a fraction of what they were originally going to aquire to in turn aquire even more funding in other places by meeting the criteria.
1 month and we will know. IMO i would rather 1 HUGE PR by mid October stating everything we have right now + funding. Then we will see a spike like no other!
Granted i hope i was able to start connecting the dots froma business perspective. I think i have thsi correct for the most part though!