TIM Participações: As The Chess Pieces Move In Europe, Double-Digit Upside In Brazil
We present a peer comparison of TIM's financial position in relation to its peers below, which include the following companies: Vivo (controlled by Telefonica), Oi (OIBR), America Movil (AMX), which operates in Brazil via its Claro brand, and NII Holdings, which operates in Brazil via Nextel Brazil (notes: figures for TIM, Vivo, and Oi are presented in reals, and figures for America Movil are presented in pesos; share prices, multiples, and consensus estimates are accurate as of the close of trading on December 20, 2013 and are subject to change).
......keeping in mind the fiber loop and why V?.....one may also like TIM
MIIT Surprises Market With VNO Licenses
After moving extremely slowly throughout the year, the telecoms regulator is suddenly surprising everyone with a flurry of major new announcements in the final weeks of 2013. First the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued long-awaited 4G wireless licenses earlier this month, and now we’re learning that it has just issued its first batch of virtual network operator (VNO) licenses. This sudden issue of VNO licenses comes as a bit of a surprise, since there were no advance indications for the timing and many believed the MIIT wouldn’t make the move until next spring.
......China prepping the deck and getting ready to roll
.....holding steady in the silence. Though others may disappoint, always be encouraged by the steps you decide to take. One is neither victim or helpless, but rather an empowered individual directed by their own thought.