Posted On: 12/27/2013 11:45:29 AM
Post# of 9903
It will be interesting to see how this pans out but IMO our shares wind up with Novamex Mineral SA along with the rest of them via a merge. I believe BuyBio suggested something like this could happen as a reverse debt swap to where Novamex takes control of the majority ownership of SRGE again whereby SRGE becomes a subsidiary of Novamex which it appears that part has already happened by their news release yesterday under several outlets including Yahoo's Finance description for SRGE. IMO, after the transfer, they will likely close SRGE's shell and we become part of either a private company Novamex and I suspect will relist or Novamex Mineral SA becomes part of MSJ via a reverse merge or we get some sort of cash payment for our shares. But, how long do the NSS want to sit and wait with all of their wrong assumptions rather than realizing that they shorted the wrong stock? Time is ticking for the NSS and it appears the first leg of the transition has happened.

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