Posted On: 12/27/2013 8:54:15 AM
Post# of 5570

Here's a few thoughts to keep in mind, and I wish to reiterate what was said by Victor Siegel in a Shareholder Update on 8-21-13. I'll begin with the encompassing audit of the financials. This is his quote from that Update: On the house-keeping side, we retained the CPA firm, Salberg & Co. to audit the Company's financials, a regulatory requirement to become fully reporting. We expect to complete the audit in the fourth quarter of 2013. Let's consider the timing here for a moment. The 4th quarter is almost over. The all important Wall Street Conference was Thursday Dec. 19th. The following week being Christmas week, with the New Year starting next Wednesday. I'm of the opinion that the audit is done, and I would wager it has been done prior to the Conference. Why? The reduction of another 71,980,000 shares to the O/S accounted for by the T/A. What's really amazing to me, is that the former CFO ( Wayne Kalish ) had to give back 20 million shares. That's documented in the latest filing released 11-15-13. I look forward to knowing who had to give up those shares in the next filing due out in February. From the same Update is this excerpt: Informa, a leading market research firm, estimates that the global online video market will be worth $37 billion in 2017, with the global audience expected to grow to 1.5 billion by 2016. and there's this: Either directly through Mindpix or through our partners, we are currently working on a number of high profile projects and events around the globe . So, what is there to not like? Let me guess, the stock share price? Are you kidding me? These prices are what you want when looking to accumulate shares. You don't want .02 or higher do you? Maybe you have all the shares you can afford, or are underwater with your investment? Not to worry! The T.E.A.M. will take care of us all as they have been! Reread what has been accomplished through the Shareholder Updates over the past months. We've been given the opportunity to buy shares for more that a half year. To average down is good medicine. It will make you feel better, because we are going to know what they have been working on, and where they are taking us. Any long timers in this stock can relate to what I'm saying. Everyone have a great day!

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