g_minus, obviously the company has not told us but the dots seem to connect to at least one and maybe more possible scenarios. From the article today that you posted earlier that was taken out I assume by one of the characters on the other board but Jimmy made a copy, it says this which I was not aware of till today.
Southridge Enterprises Inc. operates as another subsidiary under the name of Novamex Mineral SA.
Page 9 of the Aug 31 financial discusses Novamex which was posted on this board today. So it seems Holding Company Southridge Enterprises, Inc. operates as subsidiary Novamex Mineral SA. I think Southridge Minerals, Inc. with the mining assets were sold to Minera San Jorge S.A. de C.V. (MSJ) as per their Feb 11 PR from earlier this year. So the question is whether Novamex Minerals SA is actually MSJ that owns all the mining locations. Spin Off possibilities from that. So in my view, it is possible our shares from Southridge Enterprises may be going to transfer into Novamex Mineral SA. Then list somewhere out of the nasty U.S. markets and obviously if that happens SRGE will just delist. Just speculation until we see more details.