December 18th, 2013
Moving forward, we seek to further strengthen Hollund Industrial Marine’s (HIMR) position in the marketplace by achieving several goals in 2014. Some of these include:
• Extinguishing the majority of preferred shares
• Increasing HIMR’s equity position within Bayano Lake Wood
Products Corporation
• Working with our partners to begin timber recovery in January 2014
• Securing additional purchase orders – to translate into more revenues
• Increasing shareholder upside potential
• Securing additional wood recovery and reclamation projects
• Managing TigerLynk operations on Lake Bayano
Together, with your support, Hollund Industrial Marine has hit a major milestone in securing our first underwater timber recovery project. This has set the stage for HIMR to begin generating real revenues today; eventually increasing to levels of many millions of dollars yearly – perhaps one day achieving a market cap in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
This is the future we are looking forward to.