Not gonna argue Steve; Just made my point.
I know its hard on you and I also know what longs are going through.
I am past caring what you think of me ( in terms of being long/basher). It does not matter-- I do not matter -- YOU matter Steve. My brokerage is the ONLY ones who know that I have NOT sold a single share ever since i purchased them in low 0.03s on or around 22nd of June.
I also believe ( and have said this several times) that ICPA has a great future( which basher will keep saying that CONSISTENTLY -- pls read my posts carefully) and have had bitter squabbles with the likes of Rich Pauly and others at I hub. why would i have skirmishes with other bashers if i were one too? A house divided against itself cannot stand. why would i sabotage my own interests.
I know you DONT like when I talk about revenues. But Steve, understand this in a cool frame of mind--many investors are looking for that angle ( the revnues). Many will jump in without hesitation once there is news that ICPA is generating healthy revenues. The PPS will shooot up with fresh blood in. Thats all I am trying to say. I know that i have to do a fine line thing here CEO. If I DO NOT talk about revenues, it would not be fair to myself ( as a long) and if I TROUBLE you too much with NUMBERS, there is the risk you might get disheartened-- which is counter-productive to my own interests. therefore I do not wish to dishearten you either. What i wnat -- what I meant when I said alteration of strategy is needed, is-- DO ALL THINGS THAT WILL HOIST THE REVENUES. whats wroung with that Steve? I have done buisness all my life and i understand the game. I give my TWO THUMBS UP for your efforts. But If I can get you to focus on an important area what is so wrong with that? I know this is not the best situation, but things will look up in the future.