
That is a very good point, however, know that just like the physical health of the body, any exercise whatsoever is better than nothing at all, so too, any kind of small fixes over long periods of time is better for the health of the financial system than allowing it to succumb to the virus of the foreign government manipulators. I do not think of the solution as having to be drastic, I see how far the virus has been allowed to spread and the damage it has already done as being drastic, but as for the solutions, small systematic fixes over long periods of time can have a drastic healing effect while on a daily basis not being drastic at all. For instance smokers smoking a pack of tar cigs each day can wean themselves off of the horrible habit by first smoking one less tar cig per pack per day for a few weeks, then cut the tar cig in half, then eventually switch to electronic cigarettes, etc, eventually they can be fully healed and kick the need for nicotine completely. Quiting cold-turkey is a drastic solution and in most cases it does not work, the old behavior comes back.

