DNDT- LADIES AND GENTS! The word does not seem to be out on this one. Myself and TwoBrass have just started fixing up the board. So far so good on the DD side, I have found nothing negative. So far I am up 100+% on this one. I didn't alert it at first because it takes a while to get the DD done. Check out the PR/Shareholder update Below.
DNDT news:
DND Technologies Shareholder Update
Aug 28, 2012
OTC Disclosure & News Service
New York, NY -
NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 27,2012/PRNewswire-FirstCall/DNDTechnologies.com (OTC: DNDT), a diversified holding company that acquires, invests in, and partners with next generation start-ups and established businesses to bring new or improved products tomarket.
Dear Shareholders:
I am pleased to give you a brief, overdue update on the company’sactivities as it seek to build itself and increase long-term, enhanced shareholdervalue. Having made the necessary filingsto bring the company fully “Pink” on the OTC a few months ago, management hasbeen very busy with activities it believes are designed to increase shareholdervalue. Shareholders may have noticedthat, as a first step, the company lowered the authorized shares from twobillion to 800 million on the OTC. (Nevada filings will be completed shortly).
Over the past several months, management has been negotiating toacquire equity interest in several technology projects. Among them: a European mobile paymentscompany that will likely be entering the U.S. market later this year under thepurview of DNDT, and a telecom and information technology company that providesa wide array of services, and has an MVNO (mobile telephony using a majorcarrier’s network), and has recently submitted an application for a second suchlicense. The company expects to reach finalagreements on these and other technology projects very shortly.
DNDT’s wholly-owned, manufacturing subsidiary, www.bestbalms.com, is in currentdiscussions with a view to appointing manufactures representatives in severalcountries to introduce and sell its product line to wholesalers and retailers,and anticipates a broadening of its product line, especially for the Europeanmarket.
The Board has endorsed a recommendation aimed at providingshareholders with frequent, information regarding these and other projects aswe proceed forward. As a result, an investor relations firm will be appointedshortly.
Safe Harbor Statement
Matters discussed in thispress release contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of thePrivate Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this pressrelease, the words "anticipate," "believe,""estimate," "may," "intend," "expect"and similar expressions identify such forward-looking statements. Actualresults, performance or achievements could differ materially from thosecontemplated, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements containedherein. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the expectationsof the Company and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Theseinclude, but are not limited to: the impact of economic, competitive and otherfactors affecting the Company and its operations, markets, product, anddistributor performance.
Jonathan Peters: Board Chairman
Contact: info@dndtechnologies.com