And what do you call Obama? His first failure right out of the gate was his promise to close Gitmo, clearly showing that he had no clue what he was talking about because he was unknowledgeable about the situation but it was what American wanted to hear.
Everything Obama has tried to fuel a recovery (with his Democratic allies in Congress) has failed. Statistics claiming jobs saved by the stimulus package were mostly fiction, and cost American taxpayers about $275,000 each. Nearly 2-1/2 million fewer Americans have jobs than before the stimulus.
Billions of dollars of stimulus money were wasted and let's not even get into the DOE playing lender to his "green" energy company loans!
Obama didn’t save GM; it merely cost taxpayers an extra $15-20 billion, and stole from legitimate investors to buy off the UAW. GM still owes TARP $25 BILLION and GMAC owes $14.5 BILLION!
Obama himself said, “…that after three years, if the economy wasn’t fixed he should be a one-term president.”