ok, junebug, i'll bite.
Phil has the right to say what he thinks, imo. That is suppose to be the way of America, right to free speech. But A&E also has a right to determine who/what plays on their channel. Also part of the American way.
I have come to the point in my life that I guess the term for me is agnostic or maybe atheist, don't know. But as an American, even though I disagree with your beliefs, I totally support your right to have them, of course as long as there is not an attempt to force me to believe in your way. I hope/trust you have a similar opinion. This concept, imo, is what made America in the first place. A bunch of people with widely different beliefs, banding together to protect the right of all to practice their beliefs, first and foremost.
This is why I, for instance, do not think there should be a law to require motorcyclists to wear helmets. I think it's a great idea, but the right of the rider to decide for himself is more important.
happy holidays