10/16/2013 @ 11:43AM
Cyber Kiosk Solutions has renegotiated the transaction with XSKN, Inc. and expects to finalize documents by early next week. The Companies are in agreement with the following terms:
XSKN, Inc. will return 5 million CYBK shares to Cyber Kiosk Solutions to be canceled which reduces the Company's outstanding shares.
CYBK will receive 35% of XSKN, Inc. instead of 25% stated in a previous Press Release.
CYBK will purchase in Q1 of 2014 special printing equipment to be used at XSKN's facility in China which will print an extremely high resolution image on any silicon skin such as Cell Phone Cases, computer/keyboard accessories and other silicon products.
CYBK, in Q1 of 2014, will pay for specialty licensing for images to be printed on silicon products. CYBK will utilize its large distribution network partners to sell the licensed specialty products.