I don’t care what you read, and have no interest in what you think I should do. What you think about me is none of my business. And, who is us? This is a politics board. I like politics.
I worked in the media for 34 years, for ABC, CBS, and FOX. I’ll keep my own counsel about what ‘book’ or sources are valuable, young stud. If you don’t like the title of the article, or its contents, fine. What I post here politically, will not be determined by your or anyone else’s sensibilities. If you don’t want to read articles I post from FOX, don’t read them. It’s a free country.
“Journalism, a trade that vagrants and vagabonds pick up on their way to the poor house” – Mark Twain
One of my favorite TV anchors kept that quote on his desk. He put it there to remind him of what his profession could turn into. I saw it daily. When he retired, the mayor gave him the ‘Keys to the City’. He was one hell of a reporter. I think I can recognize a good report when I see one.
From the article: “ When he says voters “will face the clearest choice of any time in a generation,” he understates the fact. The two paths are a twain that shall never meet.”
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/09/10/oba...z267uLx8kG
I’ll guess that our paths are a twain that shall never meet either. Have a nice evening.