NavyMike, BigInvestments, etc are liars. None of them scheduled anything with EWSI.
VFIN was way over aggressive this morning. I was surprised to see them back. I don't think TCA Global has anything to do with the action. I do however think that VFIN's actions today caused some other retail who are very green to download some shares and take us below the 200.
EWSI absolutely needs to up their game regarding marketing of their security. I know they've identified this as a problem that needs correcting, but they need to act aggressively and quickly. JMO of course.
Once CSTI is done hammering the bid/ask with their nice tidy 600K farking ask, then we'll see if the issue recovers. 2.2M shares in the first 90 minutes!! We could see another 2.2M come in and drive it over 04 before the end of the day. Crazy trading this time of year...
We shall see. Bargain basement prices with respect to growth. The risk/reward here has and will always be EWSI's ability to grow quickly and capture some attention from the market and drive the PPS up based on fundamentals. It's a double edged sword when a company is using shares for growth as EWSI is. The bet is that they can grow revs so fast that they can outpace the need to continue to issue shares.
It does take a commitment and a strong stomach to buy and hold during this growth phase. I have nothing for sale....
Take out CSTI and lets see what we get...ugly day so far