Guys (& ladies), let's not lose sight of just how far Steve has taken this company since the beginning of the year. Yes the PPS Sucks right now, but I truly believe it is and will be a distant hiccup. There is way too much to look forward to and to get excited about here! The fall is upon us and Steve, as he has clarified has somethin' even better than the EZVIP show! Punch will be airing it's fall lineup, affiliates growing, CC Deal (future PR?), 21 new shows, uplisting, Q3, Q4, yearly ect......
Steve has NOT let us down, although some may still view the EZVIP thing as a let down, at least the man came on hear to clarify the whole thing. Give him some slack and some breathing room. I for one do feel better about my investment after reading his post. $ICPA