RE: The "other" board
Folks, you're all making the assumptions that the bashers over there are sincere investors trying to get the price down or scare others away to make money themselves -and/or- are reasonable people that if you just refute their claims enough they will somehow miraculously come to the light and see the good.
This is not the case. No matter how much you post, you will not change their minds. They are PAID to bash and will twist anything you say to something negative or Slazenger will delete your comment since he has the power to do so. You can try to fight that, but you will not win.
There are lawsuits against that iHub. People have been sanctioned by the SEC regarding their messages.
In other words, your posts are falling on deaf ears and have little effect. What needs to be done over there is every single long or supporter needs to stop posting. They will have no one to respond to and their posts will end. After a while, they will find another board to go to and another stock to bash.
You are good people and trying to fight the good fight. But that only works if you're playing on an even field.
Notice how they just keep repeating the same old stuff, over and again. If you bring something up, they will just repeat what they say.
I've been banned over there for directly challenging the administrator status of Slazenger7. Others have been banned as well.
So I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I encourage you not to give them reason to post. New investors can just as easily find their way here as to that board.