Here's what I've decided to do with ICPA.
There's no doubt about it...the criminal haters/bashers control the board over at iscrub. It's their job...they get paid to sit in front of a screen all day and talk bad about a company. It's becoming a huge time waster for me to go toe-to-toe with them. It's not my job. I run my own business. So I can't possibly sit around and refute their constant nonsense. Especially with my measly little 15 posts per day at iscrub, half of which get deleted.
So they can run amuck all they want to over there at iscrub. I don't have time to deal with them any longer. They're like that pesky little mosquito that won't ever go away. Instead, I'll keep my thoughts, comments, & DD to myself and silently buy more shares when the opportunities present themselves. One day, I'll wake up and all hell will be breaking loose to the upside for ICPA.
Peace out!