I feel a disturbance in the force. Coming could the 10K be anytime now. Me thinks the filing of the 10K could bring on a surge of buying in the stock! Could it be? Could it be that RFMK management means what it says and does what it means?! Me thinks it is highly likely.
Reminder to all, the company is completely out of debt! Zero liabiities. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in assets on the balance sheet, not even counting the current inventory of CannaCigs or the Q3 sales that have occurred thus far! Only considering a fully sold batch of 2,000 units at $100 each, $200,000 proceeds from sales on an EPS basis times a P/E multiple of 50 yields a $0.008/share stock price! Any investors or traders out there care to make quadruple your money in RFMK??!!!!