The original filing regarding the 2TRG acquisition shows some numbers for them. They are a prime example of what EWSI leadership has clearly discussed regarding a fragmented and inefficient e-waste recycling industry. The opportunity for EWSI is to bring efficiencies in both logistics and feedstock to facilities like SURF and 2TRG for leadership that wants to grow and expand. Julie Peterson is running all SURF/2TRG facilities. She must be one heck of a driving force for EWSI moving forward. Top notch talent joining the EWSI team and helping them grow to become a billion dollar company.
Did folks take note that Dan Feeney is now officially part of the EWSI leadership team? Very important to take note of these personnel additions IMO. In addition to his high profile role with eWasteCC, he is now firmly planted in EWSI as an active component in driving shareholder revenue!!
2TRG installed over 1M in equipment a couple years ago. The equipment has the capacity to ramp up to 75M pounds annually from what they are apparently doing now in the 12M neighborhood. EWSI acquired this operation for debt relief and some other considerations. In essence, they bought an established facility, with an experienced labor force, that is under performing their capacity. They need feedstock. EWSI can get that for them and create a very profitable entity in a very short period of time. Did folks catch the Q&A answer indicating SURF is net profitable not even one year under the EWSI umbrella? And, SURF is now in larger spaces. Sounds like a major hub is being developed on the west coast as was originally identified. 2TRG will follow suit. 5M projected 1st year revenues are probably conservative. Just like SURF, 2TRG shall become net cash positive in a very short period of time.
That's the methodology here. Purchase existing assets at a discount to short term and long term ROI and ramp revs quickly.
Also very exciting is concrete proof that a modest E-Plant 1000 will be open for business in India this summer. Their original goal was to demonstrate their abilities and technologies to bring landfill free e-waste recycling to life under WEEE standards, with an ultimate goal in India of establishing a NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE! Well, here comes the first plant....
E-Plant 1000s will be active on three continents in 2014 according to prior PRs. Bringing e-waste recycling to areas of the world where virtually none exist. Very exciting indeed!
China is clearly going to ramp hard. eWasteCC initiatives in that region appear to be on track for a major push starting in 2014. A higher margin product with a repeatable and stable revenue stream is something that no other recycler has. eWasteTRACK may not be that far from commercialization.
I don't think I'm being to optimistic regarding organic growth, acquisitions, and partnerships (like the new E-Plant 1000 due to open its doors this summer) that will lead to 100 - 150M in gross revs 2014 (if not more up to the 200M range). This business model and financial strategy relies on an extremely quick ramp in revs to offset growing operational costs and drive net profits very very fast. IMO possibly Q1 2014, with a high probability of Q2 2014.
Will there be more dilution? Of course there will! Anyone who evaluates the Financial Strategy and financial filings has to reach this conclusion. I'll be ecstatic if they can go completely net cash flow for all operating costs plus continued growth initiatives with an additional 100M shares added to the O/S...
But hey, this all JMO. If a person cannot stomach an increase in O/S month over month to realize rapid growth to cash flow positive, then EWSI probably isn't for them. I'm looking for a major win here over the course of the next year. Obiously I have missed my PPS projections for this year of 25 - 50. But, this issue is woefully undervalued here IMO as market awareness has not yet caught on to the opportunity. I do believe we should be trading at 20 - 30 right now as a baseline. Maybe a new shift to a more efficient and layered approach to social media above and beyond Facebook and Twitter will be enacted shortly. EWSI is growing to fast to be ignored. Their business model is attacking global e-waste issues plus a 150B dollar reverse logistics market which they think they can get measurable market share. I don't think it will be to long before bigger money finds this opportunity. At that point we all just go for the ride as they revalue the stock in proportion to their success to market and decide how big they're going to get and how fast they'll get there.