EeeeHeheheeee Oooohhhhh!
bobba loo! What a fascinating and amusing collection of various diatribe from Gary-boy and friends.
Whoops! I guess it is quite clear they knew about RFMK and the CannaCig back in Feb 2012, well before the Aug 2012 service mark application. What is funny is that everything that the posts state in that forum by THC Scientific actually works in the exact opposite way. For instance, their device, the "Omicron" is what is a generic atomizer based on the Ruyan (Dragonite DGTLF) patents, so they stand to get sued by DGTLF as easily as any other ecig manufacturer. Also, they do not have many distributors they only have one, delta9vapes. Tsk tsk. Actually the "Omicron" is the "b&llsh*t" vaporizer and the CannaCig is the "real one". The Omicron is just a big bulky obsolete screw driver flash light like the rest of the generic Chinese Ego-T's. Actually it appears THC Scientific is the one trying to ride the coat tails of RFMK, not the other way around. Wow, how damning. What a disgrace.
$RFMK! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!