All verifiable Shareholders of Record, as of Dec. 15, 2013, are invited to attend the fourth annual meeting of Hannover House, Inc., to be held on:
Friday, February 21, 2014
at 1:30 pm, EST
Regency Meeting Room
Grand Central Hyatt Hotel
109 E. 42nd St., at Grand Central Terminal
New York, NY 10017
PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE: At the request of multiple, NYC-based investors, the meeting date has been moved to Friday afternoon (Feb. 21), instead of the originally announced Saturday date. This is due to many parties being unavailable to attend on Saturday, due to residing outside of the city (and in some cases, in respect of those honoring the Saturday Sabbath). The meeting time of 1:30 - 3:00 for the primary presentation is intended to cover all significant issues. There will be an extended Q&A opportunity from 3:00 until 4:00 pm .
Agenda issues will include:
1). Distribution of Hannover House, Inc. Annual Report;
2). Review and Discussion of completed Audits;
3). Discussion of Corporate "Uplist" Opportunities;
4). Discussion of Revenue Growth Plans for 2014 / 2015;
5). Introduction and Discussion of New HH Ventures;
This will be a "closed" meeting for attendance only by verified shareholders; no media or non-verified shareholders will be allowed to attend. Hannover House is announcing this meeting date and location more than 90-days in advance in order to accommodate potential travel arrangements for out-of-state attendees.
Instructions to be added to the attendees list:
Send an email to , including the name under which your HHSE shares are held (stock ownership will need to be verifiable off the Broadridge NOBO list of shareholders as of Dec. 15, 2013). All approved attendees will receive back a confirmation email not later than January 15, 2014.