Hey cohort 7!! That's good news to my ears. I do understand the outlook that the CDAs are not something to get too excited about; however, I would like to take the optimistic approach. That is two more multi-billion dollar companies who think CTIX have something good going on! I’d love for use to get bought out for billions tomorrow, but that is not reality. What is reality in my mind: the more exposure CTIX gets with the big pharma boys the greater the chances they will get to that sweet mutli-billion dollar deal.
On another note I ran across this AP article at my local news affiliate and thought it was of interest. It is not the first time I have seen news of the progress being made in blood cancer science. My initial thought is: Will Kevetrin work as a complement to these gene treatments, or will they be opposing options? Of course, the investor in me hopes that they will complement each other. If not, then Kevetrin’s market may be getter smaller all the time and it has not even started trials yet.