Lol, I saw the local tow truck driver Tom, last night. He said he's kept in very full time work by the Texas oil hands that have come here to work. I've lived here 23 years and in my mind it's simple. Drive according to the conditions. Sometimes that means 15 mph on the hwy. It takes the newbies a couple of lessons learned the hard way (spun off the road and stuck) to figure it out. They all drive too fast. Unfortunately it occasionally costs a life.
One thing is for sure. With the billions being made out in the gas patch the oil companies make sure their employees can make it to work. The outlying neighborhoods the county doesn't plow, they see to it getting done. There's almost no storm or weather conditions that will stop these guys from business as usual. Sometimes means working outdoors at 40 below. Add wind chill to that and you can see it takes a tough mofo to be an oil hand here.