As I understood it, the last update hinted that the 10K is almost complete but that it would be ready to be filed for the public after the audit was complete; possibly because the auditors are using the 10K document to make the audit an easier process. The shareholder update simply stated that the filing of the 10K would probably happen in "weeks", not "months". So it has been about a week already so perhaps it will be filed soon, maybe as early as next Friday? Or perhaps it will take the auditors longer so maybe late Sept or early Oct? Personally I think it will be filed within the next 30 days, just a guess. The ideal timeline would be for the audit and 10K to be complete and filed mid Sept and then the SEC uplist documentation to be sent out end of Sept. Since the SEC takes a decent amount of time to review applicants for the OTCBB, perhaps it would give them enough time to uplist RFMK before the Nov elections, but it is going to be tight. If a flood of buyers come rushing into the stock in early Nov, it would be great if it was on the OTCBB rather than the PK exchange. The longer it takes for the audit and 10K filing, the longer it will take to file for OTCBB and the later the SEC will respond, unfortunately. One good thing is that the completion of the 10K will allow a much fast audit however I am under the impression that the company is not going to release an unaudited 10K filing only so thereafter the auditors can use the document to audit... what? I think that they will use the 10K document in-house for the audit and then publicly file an even better audited 10K report, which would be great for the stock and shareholders. We will see what happens.
GO RFMK!!! Lets get AUDITED!!!!!