Your efforts are commendable on an individual basis. I believe several others have also have made individual attempts.
They did tweet about the number of DMs were more than they could, (implied or would answer).....not much for me either
in that respect. Did notice that they put tweets out, (within a short period of time) after mine, claim, just
an observation. Thought that crossed my mind was maybe it was like hounds on a deer; if you put just one on the track,
the deer will often times play with it; however if you put a pack on it, the deer will run like h3ll,....a little more
pressure and it'll break from its comfort zone.
Since we're not getting much individually, I thought a more concerted action may be more effective. I'm not talking about
hounding them, but the more that do speak up on their forum will help with clarity,....we are serious and forthright and
would appreciate the same consideration.
......along that line, or take a nap. That's about the best I can think of at this time.
Anyone else have any ideas?