Don't post much, but sure am glad I am in CYBK. This could be a monster. Thanks to PC's advice, a savy investor, I quadrupled my position a few weeks back and now am averaged under .04.
Really enjoy playing with the clowns on IH, even though they delete most of my posts. Obviously they are loosing the battle. Their posts have increased. Panic's setting in.
Have come to the conclusion that Maria is a mentally challenged trainee. They deleted my post that said that every time she bought a Slurpee at 7/11 with her debit card that the owner paid a percentage of the tab to the Card provider. She actually thinks that debit cards are free. And the clown NotRichYet2 Fees? Debit Cards? He says his credit union never charges him anything. Guess not when you never leave your block. Finally fagbert. What do you think is causing him to say Yikes several times a day.
Nice to be on a scum free board. Keep the vermin out.