1st; thank you as always Steve for your comments. Everyone else; if you are actually long, then please be patient. I'm amazed how many people I see getting all worked up about things. The CC PR especially.
Ask yourself these questions:
Are you actually long? That means: do you believe in what this company is doing? Do you believe in Steve?
I do. Sure I wish the price was higher. But I'm not worried about the CC PR. The CC relationship is proven. We know that. Just like we know we own a TV station. Most of the 'market' and the general public do not know this. That means we are in on the ground floor. That is fantastic.
It may still take some time. I am an actual long, so I say "so what?" Every stock I've ever invested in that has shown potential has taken longer than everyone hoped / expected to unfold. Thats life.
I remain confident that in time (3 months? 6 months? 2 years?) we will all look back & just be glad we got in...whether is was sub penny or even at 2 or 3 cents.
ICPA: gotta love it.