welcome to the hangout Fernace. I'm done with iBash forever. I won't even give them my page views let alone another dollar.
The mentality of the likes of Elizabeth Warren, Obama, Harry Reid, Pelosi, etc., reflect that of their constituency, and that is the mentality that the real reason for success is that somebody helped you or that you f'd someone over to get ahead.
That is not 100% wrong, but is largely exaggerated. Some teacher gave me some encouragement in 2nd grade math class? Thanks a lot! Is she entitled to half my bank roll? There's a road that goes from my house to my office that I didn't build, oh gee maybe those guys are entitled to my funds for that "help."
Let's flip that relationship over. There's a teacher in 3rd grade who sucked and did a crappy job at teaching arithmetic, I guess I should go slap her in the face for my bad trade caused by a miscalculation. That road between my office and house? I ran over a nail and it popped my tire and made me late and lose money, who do I sue?
That's the pathway people go down when they deny or marginalize the importance of personal responsibility. There are much worse real world examples but the bottom line is that villifying success while at the same time encouraging dependence upon the state serves the political ends of politicians.