i am VERY GLAD to be here , again. i posted on another board here in the past quite some time ago. it is so refreshing not to follow the dribble and bashing at ihub.
i have a question for coolnapz and everybody else. are people naked shorting mpix? and if you would, please explain naked shorting to me. i am NOT, by any means as knowledgeable about shorting and how it works as i should be. i do know shorters want a stock to go down and borrow at a certain price etc. etc. but , if that stock starts to really rise in pps, they have to "cover". hence, a short squeeze can occur. a broker told me that oneof the greatest short squeezes happened many yrs. ago with vw. it went way up because of a short squeeze that occurred.
so, i am looking for 1.5 cents to 2 cents in near term-say 30 to 60 days,--but -please, anyone-please give opinions as to why this will happen. 1. good news pr's? 2. short squeeze?
thanks in advance. i am ONLY looking for opinions. i will not hold any peeps to anything, just want to be educated. i bought mpix because of advice from a trusted friend who is much more sophisticated about trading than i will ever be. so, coolnapz and others. i am here now. goodbye to the bash and trash board.