First of all thanks to whoever got this TECO thread started here, and to Coolnapz, and Jake for pointing me to this place. I have been in a few pennies, and am familiar with the "rumor mills" both "good" and "bad". IMO both camps are bad, and I try my damnedest to act only on verifiable information. There is a decent amount of verifiable info with TECO, much of it good, some of it bad. IMO the good far outweighs the bad, and with a share price somewhere near .04 seems like a no-brainer for a risk / reward ratio.
If I had enough time / money I'd schedule a visit to a couple of the sites here in the US, but am constrained by family / work / time / money, hence I depend on the web for whatever information I can glean about TECO. I think this place will be a welcome change from the FUD that is posted hourly over on the "other" board.