Punch TV Network Voices Opposition to The Next Generation Television Marketplace Act.
2012-09-07 08:00 ET - News Release
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 7, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- IC Places, Inc. (OTCQB: ICPA), Punch TV Network announced today that Company President, Joseph Collins, has issued correspondences to Congressmen-Henry Waxman and Fred Upton along with 2 Senators - Jay Rockefeller and Kay Bailey Hutchison, and the FCC, in opposition of H.R. 3675 and S2008, the Next Generation Television Marketplace Act. Mr. Collins feels the bills could have a negative impact on many minority and independent networks.
The National Association of Broadcasting's official position on this bill:
"Broadcasters oppose H.R. 3675 and S. 2008. Viewers, local broadcast stations and pay-TV operators all benefit from the retransmission consent process. These negotiations are fair and market-driven, and there is no need to change the process that Congress established and has worked well for nearly two decades. Eliminating broadcasters' ability to negotiate for the value of broadcast signals would mean less choice for viewers and fewer dollars for stations to dedicate to local news, public affairs programming, coverage of emergency weather events and community activities."
Punch TV Network, launched in October 2011, as an urban television network with diverse, original programming. The company projects it will be in over 50 million households by the end of 2012 with a high percentage of our programming targeted to African American and Hispanic viewers. Currently, Punch TV can be seen in Lafayette, Louisiana, Houston, Texas, New York City, New York, Wichita, Kansas, Salt Lake City, Utah, Pensacola, Florida, Detroit, Michigan and a number of other communities.