The SEC absolutely hates Investors Hub (IHUB)! I do too!
Why in the hell would anyone want to use that POS website is beyond me! Yes! They make it enticing to stay with services offered. But why would anyone want to support a website that makes money off of investors via fees to post sentiments and thoughts when most of their posts are either deleted and or twisted and used to advance a very obvious agenda to the extent of violating their own terms of service? They also make money off of advertisement that litters every page you go to! Then on the back side of things they make money off of "interest groups" that benefit from the underhanded abusive and down right evil actions of the IHUB administration! The SEC would love IHUB go away and that is a fact! Unfortunately, about the only way for that to happen would be for all honest investors to just walk away from LIEHUB! That corrupt organization needs to have its doors kicked in and all responsible parties incarcerated! What a scheme! What an outright sham! IMO, being a part of what is going on over there is similar to supporting a terrorist group! Close your account and run like hell from that disgusting den of perpetrators!