im so eager to hear whats up! haha that filing, website and hedge fund. BUt honestly i dont want anyone to get the wrong impression however CE mark removal is worth more to me than a hedge fund pr. There is a reason for that and its really simple. Its because CE mark removal makes Dr. Husid obviously real by actions in an authoritative position. That in turn helps those bashers and skeptical eyes on ihub feel safer and not be able to say as much. I for one would appreciate a Hedge fund PR backed by a website backed by a CE mark removal for an "anti-basher force field" so to speak. I think it holds more ground in the long run. Glad tomarrow should be the day, but im not adding until after the first 4 objectives states are crossed and finished.
1. CE mark removal
2. website up and running
3. Hedge fund completion
4. 1st national PR
These have to be accomplished before i add a penny more. Im not by any means saying i dont think it wont happen, but i am no fool either. I already have alot of cash in this....
Good luck and ill post again after completions start hitting the fan. Until then i keep watch. Feel free to PM me if anyone sees something on this above list