Totally agree I do, great points.
Yes, surely the back end IP tracking logic probably exists and is possibly used to data mine and seek potential individual targets to scam and attack. It is a big security risk for their members to give them personal and credit card data along with their entire portfolios (via posting on all and only those stock msg boards for which they hold in their brokerages) along with them knowing their members IP addresses. They could easily use their group of criminal bashers to try to psychologically attack certain members they deem as weak targets and in a short time frame short and bear raid attack all of their stocks along with identity theft to wipe out credit cards and other vicious personal attacks using the cyber bully gangs usual online threatening remarks and insinuations. I have heard many stories about the iScum crew and all that they do and it all sounds less than reputable.
Be safe and keep your eyes open out there, as they themselves admit, it is a rather shark infested scammy scum swamp in the pink markets.