No problem.
I wrote out a BCAP net asset valuation summary. I believe that on a fundamental basis the stock should currently be trading at least at $0.0003-5, if not much higher. The next quarterly will confirm these numbers and when the audit is finally complete, that will provide the basis for an uplisting:
Every $0.0001 change in BCAP represents a change in market cap of $236,236:
Share structure:
Market Cap: $472,471
Shares Outstanding 2,362,355,947
Authorized Shares 2,400,000,000
Next possible change in A/S without Common shareholder consent: 07/01/2014:
Net assets already reported:
Current known net assets: $420,843
Anticipated change in net assets :
+ another possible $200k
Anticipated net assets: $500-551k
With potential additional: $700-751k
$BCAP market cap at $0.0002 = $472k
$BCAP market cap at $0.0003 = $708k
For reference most high-growth companies don't trade at a fraction of their net assets, but at a multiple of revenues and anticipated future growth rates.