Ok. I think he lies. You already admitted he lies. Remember whip? You admitted that he lied about it being a mistake that he changed the t/a to unlimited. So that was a lie.
90 percent of Wal-Mart's by years end was an lie statement by weber. The product will not be in much more then a few percent of Walmarts. I call that a lie. Maybe you call it an over estimate. To most others it is a lie. Hence the state of the pps.
In the fox interview 2 months ago Weber stated revenues doubling in the last 3 months. Hmmm, turned out not to even be close. So to most he lied in an effort to sell shares and pump the stock. you can call that a mistake or poor estimate. According to the pps most consider it to be a lie.
IMO and basically most others (look at facebook and the pps and the many other forums) Weber is full of shit.
Whip, His former business has an f rating with the bbb. Just that alone shows he is a sleaze ball. He is a convicted tax evader. Sorry, if one cant pay your local taxes, your a dead beat. As a small business owner I know not to get mixed up in that game. Whip, weren't you once a supporter of spongetech? you are way to trusting here. good luck. I think you know weber is a dirt bag but have to much pride to admit it. IMO.
So with all these exaggerated statements by weber (lies) how can we even trust those financials?