Latest Updates on $PPHM Peregrine Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ PHM)
Las Vegas, NV -- ( SBWIRE ) -- 11/21/2013 -- Peregrine Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ PHM) stated that it took part in Annual Meeting of Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer. The company presented data on November 7-10 to support how phosphatidylserine targeting antibodies reactivate tumor immunity.
PPHM mentioned that there are several different ways in which antibodies respond. The PS offers improved anti-tumor activity. The company presented data under title of "Targeting of Phosphatidylserine by Monoclonal Antibodies Induces Innate and Specific Anti-tumor Responses".
The company says that Peregrine and The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center’s scientists inspected the anti-tumor response of a PS-targeting antibody.
Peregrine Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a pharmaceutical business that manufactures monoclonal antibodies that are involved in cancer treatment. The company uses two technologies for monoclonal antibodies including PS-targeting antibodies and DNA/histone-targeting antibodies. The medicine of the company offers new approach towards cancer treatments. The PPHM is carrying out three Phase II trials so that the bavituximab can be used for chemotherapy.
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