Understand the frustration for the longs, I can. However, I personally do not see todays action as a dissapointment because my expectations for the stock are not very high. My expectations for the company are extremely high! However, we longs must remember that in Pink Sheets land, even more so than on the regular exchanges, the stocks of companys in no way are a reflection on the underlying company. Fundamentally the company is firing on all cylinders and really doing an amazing job building shareholder value, however the stock is another story. The stock action was not a dissapointment because the stock action today was, pardon me, but, business as usual. On any given day the participants toying in the stock can put up as much capital as they like to either push the stock price up or down, so it matters not which way the stock ends up in either direction. I am still waiting for the day that the company comes out with great news like the filing of the 10K or another contract or product or whatever and meanwhile the MMs and powers that be decide to continue their shennanigans and increase the capital they are using to short the stock so as to overwhelm the buying power and crush it down 30% and everyone will be questioning the move and why on such positive news the stock is down. The reason is that there is no reason, the stock is disjoint from the company fundamentals so long as it trades on the pink sheets exchange, is non-reporting, volume remains light compared to the O/S and it remains a little-known company. I think for the very long term, all of that could change but for now I am not holding my breath for gains each day. Either more investors learn about the RFMK story and pile in over time or they do not, either the MMs and crony firms continue to gamble in the stock or not, it really matters not; as long as you are not flipping it. I presume for flippers the daily action means everything but for longs it means next to nothing. I agree with you though that the flippers need to find another stock to prey on, there are far better plays out there specifically for the flipping strategy and more liquid plays with more structural problems in their story which could offer a much better playground for volatility and making money flipping the stock vehicle. This company is one of the few that has a very high likelyhood of making massive revenues in the future and having a performing stock so flipping it could prove quite dangerous in the long run. I guess we will all find out who is right in the end.