Not selling our 5M shares anytime soon I hope you all hold your shares and understand that patience will pay off here.
People can talk about "profits" all day but Salesforce.com hasn't shown profit in 13 years and their market cap is $31B. There isn't even enough room on this forum to mention all those venture backed startups that have NO REVENUE and NO PROFIT but yet get bought for $600M.
Worldcruiser and other TROLLS can type nonsense on here but EWSI is growing revenues in the very early stages of their business plan. This industry is ripe for the picking, as long as there are no major mistakes along the way this E-Waste company will be doing $30-$50M in revenue within 5 years.
Please do yourselves a favor and go on www.crunchbase.com and check out the private start ups valuation. You will definitely feel confident in EWSI after seeing what some of those non revenue generating companies are valued at.