We could have removed Collins and kept the assets. His letter of rescission was based on CA law but we signed under Florida law so he did not have an leg to stand on. As I began talking with affiliates and other support companies I became abundantly clear that JC and the Punch name shunned by many on the inside of this industry. JC owes so many people money and has done so much to so many people that several companies said they would love to do business with us as soon as he is gone and we change our name to show no affiliation.
The more we dug the more clear it became that the Punch name and the reputation of JC where both viruses we where better off without. So, rather then fight him in court and take everything from him, we agreed to the rescission. This let us cut out the infected part of the company and come out way ahead of where we started.
If your want to see us as loosers in this, or feel we where beaten down by JC, that is simply not true. The facts are very clear.