In the event my most recent IHub post gets deleted I attached it below for your reading enjoyment.
It appears there are some who want to give Bob advice on how to finance SCRC. That's great, I am sure he would be interested in your input. Please post your qualifications below providing the following information:
1) Name of the Company(s) you started and stock symbol
2) Years in business
3) Attach a resume with your business successes and education
4) List a minimum of 3 qualified references
5) Is your company(s) still in business (Y or N)
6) Type of financing you arranged
7) Names of financial institutions associated with your company
Copies of your most recent SEC Filings
9) Finally, provide any other pertinent information to support your qualifications
I am confident Bob will review your request and give you a call to discuss your future role as a financial advisor. Please note, if you cannot answer #1, your request will be denied.