MDMN is only waiting for the release of the PA funding which I believe will happen into next week. From that point, I hope to see at least 1.00. CDCH is the 'sister' company to MDMN but will trail by about 4 weeks with a separate JV. I'm expecting a move above 1.00 also for CDCH from the announcement of their JV but I'm not certain yet when that might happen.
I believe ICTY will definitely be in play no later than mid next week. I hope we'll see the .005-.01 range in about two months from today.
MPIX could very well be my best holding into the end of this year should a few projects be announced beginning next week. Hoping for .10 by then.
PNTV should also go into play very soon, maybe as early as next week. I can't put a number on a target price yet but I wouldn't be surprised to see a market cap of $50 mil within three months. Let's say somewhere between .70-1.00 if all goes well.
Just so everyone here understands, I own all these with quite a few friends. We build positions gradually while continuously doing real DD including daily calls and sometimes monthly visits. I stink at the short term momo plays, and although our stocks are boring, I'd much rather parlay a 10 to 20 bagger into another 10 to 20 bagger. Some of us have been in MDMN since .0015, currently .135. We own CDCH since .008, currently .068. Those are our longer term holds. The others we began strongly accumulating earlier this year although we've swing traded a few shares along the way in previous years. ICTY has been a four time 5-10 bagger over the last couple of years. I believe the stock will break over the .0025 this year. Currently at .0004. The fun on all of them hasn't even started yet.
It just takes time, and it's boring at times. It's also hard watching all the 100-300% and only holding a few hundred dollars worth of them. But when I really like a company, we tend to accumulate for quite a while. If anyone has an interest in these companies above, just send me a PM or visit the various boards here on The Hangout.