Sweet you wrote "I for one have been bored with little movement of the pps. Surprising considering all the chain of events that are happening. Sigh" You should know the reasons for the years worth of stagnant or declining PPS from reading this board. Just today Iggy posted a quote from a 7/17 PR where Reid was suggesting CFP within Q3. Yet the wells to be drilled/completed that were suppose to bring that CFP didn't even start until very late Q3 and/or early Q4. I can sum up the reasons in two words and I've ranted numerous times on the subject of "Credibility" and "Manipulation". I feel that TECO's new business plan will be successful but the oil business takes time. On the other hand all the promises, words, photos, videos, etc aren't attracting buyers in big numbers. IMO it will take consistently better numbers in the forthcoming financials and/or more BPD can be proven using other means like TRRC reports. Maybe Belize will kick in soon or some other big deal. TECO has huge potential and someday the hedgies and general mom and pop buying market will believe it as we longs do. I wrote the pump post below earlier today so I continue to hope that a simple PR announcing more oil will convince the buying public and hopefully that day is closer than not.