See any similarities? Ihub references in bold...
Don’t fear the smear…..
Let’s be honest, RenuEn Corporation (OTC RENU.PK) has had some difficulties in recent months during it’s infancy under the leadership of Don Wood. Two promising acquisitions that had to be terminated, and most recently the abandoning of St. Cloud landfill project are the major black marks on the company’s record as it works it’s way through establishing itself in the fields that it is exploring. Perhaps we will explore the intricacies of these actions at a later date, however, something else is cooking in the pot, and it’s time that pot needs to be stirred.
Ihub has always been a haven for anonymous posters to bloviate and opine, usually with very little information, but always with clear agenda. Add in some posting regulations that are administered in less than a fair manner, and you end up with a podium for those with an axe to grind or a stock play that they think they can intimidate shareholders into giving away their money for practically free. Clearly, this is evident on the RENU board over at ihub. Check out the omissions in the post count, and one can clearly see that many posts are being removed, while others, very clearly attacking both the company and other posters, are left to stand. In the worst cases, one can even see where a post was removed and then later reinstated by Admin. A reading of the site’s TOS is not helpful, in that it is readily apparent that they are written so non descript and open ended, that they can be interpreted and enforced at the whim and will of Admin.
Were it not bad enough that individuals are permitted to use this vehicle for attacking companies and their management teams, without proof or disclosure, another situation has arisen in respect to RenuEn Corporation, in that some individual or group has taken to creating blog sites and filing fake complaints against the company and specific individuals in the company, in a clear attempt to smear and discredit both. One does not have to be a forensic scientist to quickly determine that these entries are neither being truthful or valid in content.
Without providing the specific links and thus affording free advertisement for these cretins, let’s just hit the major telltale details that prove their deceit:
- One site shows a “St. Cloud resident” who is very concerned with RenuEn being involved in her community. Within the span of 10 minutes, there are 2 “brand new to the site”, also residents of St. Cloud, first time posters, who “collaborate” on her concerns. Fishy? Stick around, it gets more interesting.
- One of those new posters, who claims to be a St. Cloud resident and has met with Don Wood, shows his residence as Lorimor, IA under his profile. Does he have dual residence? Funny that a search of phone books and residences in both locations do not list him, in either place.
- Sticking with this same poster, he posts about his concerns about Green Sky Financing, and specifically states “I f GreenSky Home Finance is truly in bed with felons then this should also be made known.”. Three literal minutes later, he posts another post on this same site stating: I am looking into GreenSky as an option for financing multiple projects. Any feedback? Do we need to define “consistency”?
- Returning back to one of the other “concerned St. Cloud residents” responding to the original concerned poster, we see an old, bearded, pleasant looking fellow, complete with name. Again, ironically, no record of him is found in any St. Cloud records. We know nothing of him, until a brand new, first time poster appears on the ihub board with a very demeaning YouTube video, and this first time poster has, as his alias image, this same old, bearded, pleasant looking fellow. An internet image search reveals that this picture was taken from a blog site that originated in a camp in California, where the blogger apparently had an affinity for taking pictures of bearded men
- Lastly (for now), we check the dates of any and all of these supposed “complaints” and smear postings, and we see that everything took place in October 2013. Nothing before, nothing since. Don Wood has been working on the St. Cloud project for over 3 years, he has been at the helm of RENU for over a year- why would a “concerned St. Cloud resident” wait until now to voice their concern? Why not show up at any of the City Council meetings and publicly protest? It’s not like Don Wood has been a stranger in or around St. Cloud. Interesting, to say the least.
Five minutes of simple site comparison and fact checking casts quite a dark shadow on these complaints. It becomes very clear that someone, or some group, is orchestrating a smear campaign against RenuEn and it’s management team. As one delves deeper into these sites and begins to explore the content, it is readily apparent that this campaign is very personal in nature, and whoever is behind it, is going to great lengths to obtain their objective.
Sadly, the ones who are, and will be, ultimately affected by the actions of a few, are those who invested their money into this public company, and those who have taken commission paying jobs with Energy Solutions of Florida, as they not only have to overcome selling of a new brand, but also a false and misleading reputation that has been contrived and disseminated by someone with no morals or scruples.