Posted On: 11/12/2013 2:19:59 AM
Post# of 1033
$OODH- Recent write up on the early development, company model and future plans of ORION DHC, Inc. (OTC: OODH)
Interim Letter to Shareholders of ORION DIVERSIFIED HOLDING CO., Inc ~ 11/11/2013
Dear Valued Shareholders and Board Members,
First order of business: I would like to personally and kindly thank each and every stakeholder for the overwhelming support, time and money you all have invested over the years. Secondly, may I give you all a very well deserved Congratulations for the many achievements we have succeeded in developing together as shareholders and business partners!
I would also like to commend all of our early VC stakeholders for your unwavering patience, your high level of trust in our personal integrity and your dedicated perseverance; especially during the key development stages of the Company - when tensions ran high. We all know this was no easy task, and I am quite certain most all of you have learned a plethora of new things along the way - as did I.
And if you sold your early shares for a +10,000% gain on the opening bell of our public market...Congrats! Contrary to popular belief, I am not offended one bit... you made a ton of money, wonderful , that's what the stock market is all about, right? More importantly, in doing so, you gave me the strength to tackle a much bigger animal - from which I had to chew little bites off of; actually that was an Elephant in scope and size- but Elephant aside, you gave me a much more powerful learning experience indeed. And I thank you for that as well because you made me a substantially better CEO right out of the gates!
Therefore, without further ado, as your Chairman & CEO, I am unquestionably honored to inform our many stakeholders that we are now 100% structurally positioned and well within reach of the pinnacle on our epic journey to becoming a Top-Tier American Holding Company. I am fully aware, that it was the work of many hundreds of individuals, securities professionals, Real Estate gurus and various entities whom collectively made all of this possible, so once again, I thank you all and Congratulations to every entity and every person who helped the Company along the way! Ladies and Gentlemen... You rock!
As most of our shareholders already know, the Company we invested our hard earned money into, ORION DHC, Inc . (OTC: OODH), has finally come to fruition as an extremely Low-Float publicly traded Holding Company that is actively engaged in viable operations in multiple Sectors of Business. [SIC 6719]
When we set out developing OODH several years ago, we strategically modeled this holding company after Warren E. Buffett's holding company, Berkshire-Hathaway (BRK.A), and to this very day, the company still uses the exact same "Value Investing" principles as taught, by Benjamin Graham, in the Forth edition of "The Intelligent Investor." For those of you who are not keen to who Ben Graham is, he was Warren E. Buffett's close personal friend, instructor and elite investing mentor - our Holding Company, like Mr. Buffett's, simply uses Graham's principles as a guideline for investments and acquisitions.
In building OODH, and in crafting the company By-Laws, we thoroughly researched not only Buffett's success stories but also his many failures , such as Warren's failed attempt to reach profits when making cotton underwear and textiles. Seriously? Failing to make a profit selling underwear? Now if that's not embarrassing, I really don't know what would be! Sorry Warren, I had to go there to make my point! You know darn well I've made my fair share of mistakes but I think I'll just keep those quiet for a few more years! Lol
Now mind you, we are not saying OODH is BRK, well, that is, it's not the BRK as seen publicly today , we are simply saying our company is BRK as it were in 1961 (with very little investor interest and a measly paupers share price) and in 40 years from today, if all goes to plan... OODH will be the next Mega-Holding Company. So, that is precisely why we invite future millionaires, oops... I meant to say shareholders, into the program of OODH - it's all about the long-term objectives and utilizing Ben's investment model. We are not trying to re-invent the wheel here, we are simply using the best known wheel on the Street to our full advantage!
So far, we have made huge progress on OODH, and one primary difference in our holding company, besides assets of Millions vs. Billions, is that our elite team built OODH from the ground floor on up and we took it public ourselves, we did not buy a "Shell" company like Mr. Buffett did. Not that Warren couldn't have built his own holding company from scratch like we did, it's just that that is yet another accomplishment we get to brag about as we move forward throughout the years.
Right now, OODH is currently focused on acquiring asset based commodities; such as Alluvial Gold, Lumber and Producing Oil Wells and of course, acquiring more Real Property, such as Mining Claims, SFR's, Apartment complexes and Land. The company also explores multiple high technology investments, manages the development of various websites, takes equity position investments and researches industrial use and medical patents - all of which have a high probability of becoming additional resources of income for our shareholders. Albeit low by most standards, the company continues to stick to it's core principles and utilizes a portion of the revenue generated through its diverse ventures to purchase equity positions in other companies and funds - most of which are publicly traded. As the Company coffers grow over the years these "Floating Cash" investments will steadily be increased to a figure that we believe achieves a healthy monetary balance within our Long-Term strategic business model. This type of capital allocation is very similar in concept to Warren's business model except that OODH does not use an insurance company's "Revolving Float Cash" to invest, we simply use our current divisions and their revenue as the means.
Interim Letter to Shareholders of ORION DIVERSIFIED HOLDING CO., Inc ~ 11/11/2013
Dear Valued Shareholders and Board Members,
First order of business: I would like to personally and kindly thank each and every stakeholder for the overwhelming support, time and money you all have invested over the years. Secondly, may I give you all a very well deserved Congratulations for the many achievements we have succeeded in developing together as shareholders and business partners!
I would also like to commend all of our early VC stakeholders for your unwavering patience, your high level of trust in our personal integrity and your dedicated perseverance; especially during the key development stages of the Company - when tensions ran high. We all know this was no easy task, and I am quite certain most all of you have learned a plethora of new things along the way - as did I.
And if you sold your early shares for a +10,000% gain on the opening bell of our public market...Congrats! Contrary to popular belief, I am not offended one bit... you made a ton of money, wonderful , that's what the stock market is all about, right? More importantly, in doing so, you gave me the strength to tackle a much bigger animal - from which I had to chew little bites off of; actually that was an Elephant in scope and size- but Elephant aside, you gave me a much more powerful learning experience indeed. And I thank you for that as well because you made me a substantially better CEO right out of the gates!
Therefore, without further ado, as your Chairman & CEO, I am unquestionably honored to inform our many stakeholders that we are now 100% structurally positioned and well within reach of the pinnacle on our epic journey to becoming a Top-Tier American Holding Company. I am fully aware, that it was the work of many hundreds of individuals, securities professionals, Real Estate gurus and various entities whom collectively made all of this possible, so once again, I thank you all and Congratulations to every entity and every person who helped the Company along the way! Ladies and Gentlemen... You rock!
As most of our shareholders already know, the Company we invested our hard earned money into, ORION DHC, Inc . (OTC: OODH), has finally come to fruition as an extremely Low-Float publicly traded Holding Company that is actively engaged in viable operations in multiple Sectors of Business. [SIC 6719]
When we set out developing OODH several years ago, we strategically modeled this holding company after Warren E. Buffett's holding company, Berkshire-Hathaway (BRK.A), and to this very day, the company still uses the exact same "Value Investing" principles as taught, by Benjamin Graham, in the Forth edition of "The Intelligent Investor." For those of you who are not keen to who Ben Graham is, he was Warren E. Buffett's close personal friend, instructor and elite investing mentor - our Holding Company, like Mr. Buffett's, simply uses Graham's principles as a guideline for investments and acquisitions.
In building OODH, and in crafting the company By-Laws, we thoroughly researched not only Buffett's success stories but also his many failures , such as Warren's failed attempt to reach profits when making cotton underwear and textiles. Seriously? Failing to make a profit selling underwear? Now if that's not embarrassing, I really don't know what would be! Sorry Warren, I had to go there to make my point! You know darn well I've made my fair share of mistakes but I think I'll just keep those quiet for a few more years! Lol
Now mind you, we are not saying OODH is BRK, well, that is, it's not the BRK as seen publicly today , we are simply saying our company is BRK as it were in 1961 (with very little investor interest and a measly paupers share price) and in 40 years from today, if all goes to plan... OODH will be the next Mega-Holding Company. So, that is precisely why we invite future millionaires, oops... I meant to say shareholders, into the program of OODH - it's all about the long-term objectives and utilizing Ben's investment model. We are not trying to re-invent the wheel here, we are simply using the best known wheel on the Street to our full advantage!
So far, we have made huge progress on OODH, and one primary difference in our holding company, besides assets of Millions vs. Billions, is that our elite team built OODH from the ground floor on up and we took it public ourselves, we did not buy a "Shell" company like Mr. Buffett did. Not that Warren couldn't have built his own holding company from scratch like we did, it's just that that is yet another accomplishment we get to brag about as we move forward throughout the years.
Right now, OODH is currently focused on acquiring asset based commodities; such as Alluvial Gold, Lumber and Producing Oil Wells and of course, acquiring more Real Property, such as Mining Claims, SFR's, Apartment complexes and Land. The company also explores multiple high technology investments, manages the development of various websites, takes equity position investments and researches industrial use and medical patents - all of which have a high probability of becoming additional resources of income for our shareholders. Albeit low by most standards, the company continues to stick to it's core principles and utilizes a portion of the revenue generated through its diverse ventures to purchase equity positions in other companies and funds - most of which are publicly traded. As the Company coffers grow over the years these "Floating Cash" investments will steadily be increased to a figure that we believe achieves a healthy monetary balance within our Long-Term strategic business model. This type of capital allocation is very similar in concept to Warren's business model except that OODH does not use an insurance company's "Revolving Float Cash" to invest, we simply use our current divisions and their revenue as the means.
The best part of OODH is that all Officers and affiliates of OODH are 110% against dilutive instruments and dilution of company shares; with that said, company officers aggressively avoid selling their OODH shares and we have NOT sold any OODH shares whatsoever in 2013. Furthermore, affiliates wisely keep all of their OODH shares out of circulation by demanding hard copy stock certificates be mailed to them. It basically boils down to what ALL responsible officers and affiliates should do protect their shareholders financial interests- and as CEO, with a fiduciary duty to uphold our shareholder value, pulling shares from brokerage accounts to prevent "Borrowing" is my personal OODH position - , as some CEO's do.
At ORION DHC, Inc. we treat our shareholders as business partners and we really do believe in the concept of shareholder value, it's not just a façade like many other publicly traded companies purport... and we prove that fact true by our many related corporate actions, including the cancelling of over 26,000,000 OODH shares since the company began issuing shares.
We are not stopping there either; we plan on many more share cancellations in the future as well, and we have put out press releases in the past discussing the possibility of additional affiliate cancellations.
At ORION DHC, Inc. we treat our shareholders as business partners and we really do believe in the concept of shareholder value, it's not just a façade like many other publicly traded companies purport... and we prove that fact true by our many related corporate actions, including the cancelling of over 26,000,000 OODH shares since the company began issuing shares.
We are not stopping there either; we plan on many more share cancellations in the future as well, and we have put out press releases in the past discussing the possibility of additional affiliate cancellations.
Another savvy way OODH officers are protecting shareholders against dilution, as the company grows, is by OODH engaging a third party firm to structure a side-running fully-reporting ORION DHC fund (OFND) , a Business Development Company (BDC). The fund, just like Berkshire-Hathaway's fund, has its own CUSIP number, that if all goes to plan, in about 30 to 60 days from today, it will be publicly traded as an Electronically Traded Fund (ETF) with its own FINRA issued "Ticker Symbol" .... and , if it can't get any better than that, our valued OODH shareholders wholly-own the subsidiary entity and the fund.
In compendium, although I could easily write another sixteen pages on all of the upcoming OODH events... as an "Insider" of OODH, I better just leave this memo to So, with that said, make sure to keep a close watch on OODH over the coming weeks, or years (depending on your investment strategy) and don't ever let the sporadic inactivity of our stock steer you away, as you can look at the recent OODH stock chart history and volume to see exactly how fast OODH can move!
Although we do not consider our daily stock price as a gauge for anything we are doing at the corporate level...OODH sure can be a Beta-Jumping volatility-screaming hyper stock ticker! It almost matches my personality... hey there , easy now - no comments from the OODH peanut gallery please !
Anyhow, it's actually rather simple, always make sure you're ready at a moments notice to make an investment move into OODH; or better yet, take your sweet time and join our growing team as a long-term business partner on our wonderful journey of shareholder wealth creation.
Thank you for your time, and I hope to see our many shareholders at our upcoming Annual Shareholders Meeting!
Best of Times to all Investors!
Randy Hoff
Chairman & CEO
NOTE: The Annual OODH Shareholders Meeting is being held May 17th through May 19th, 2014 @ Harrah's Lake Tahoe, 15 U.S. Highway 50, Stateline, Nevada, USA, 89449
Congrats shareholders.... We Made it!!!
Add. Ref:
Please Read the OODH investment Disclaimer located at: /
In compendium, although I could easily write another sixteen pages on all of the upcoming OODH events... as an "Insider" of OODH, I better just leave this memo to So, with that said, make sure to keep a close watch on OODH over the coming weeks, or years (depending on your investment strategy) and don't ever let the sporadic inactivity of our stock steer you away, as you can look at the recent OODH stock chart history and volume to see exactly how fast OODH can move!
Although we do not consider our daily stock price as a gauge for anything we are doing at the corporate level...OODH sure can be a Beta-Jumping volatility-screaming hyper stock ticker! It almost matches my personality... hey there , easy now - no comments from the OODH peanut gallery please !
Anyhow, it's actually rather simple, always make sure you're ready at a moments notice to make an investment move into OODH; or better yet, take your sweet time and join our growing team as a long-term business partner on our wonderful journey of shareholder wealth creation.
Thank you for your time, and I hope to see our many shareholders at our upcoming Annual Shareholders Meeting!
Best of Times to all Investors!
Randy Hoff
Chairman & CEO
NOTE: The Annual OODH Shareholders Meeting is being held May 17th through May 19th, 2014 @ Harrah's Lake Tahoe, 15 U.S. Highway 50, Stateline, Nevada, USA, 89449
Congrats shareholders.... We Made it!!!
Add. Ref:
Please Read the OODH investment Disclaimer located at: /
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