This company had sooo much promise, I think he has burned so many and has not come through on so many things that the only way we recover is if someone else is at the helm, or show some @mn">D@mn good numbers on this Q and in the future. As we all know both the OS and AS will be raised on this Q, we've already hit 0.0001, he doesn't plan on growing the company which boggles my mind ( I don't think he has anymore money to do so)... He is not gong to give rev projections so what else is there to look forward to? Funny how he talks about everything else besides rev's although he said a PR was coming about bout it... I've never seen a penny stock come back from 0.0001 without a R/S.... and BTW I wonder if he has heard back from his people @ Filmon about the channel guide? etc... I mean really how long can that take? just freaking unreal..............
And for the record I'm not being negative just factual.....