JB, sometimes its hard to get excited about penny-stock companies because so many are long on promise, but oh so short on execution. Well, Hollund Industrial Marine has pulled through, and is now set to revolutionize this industry. Hollund said they would get this first concession (I believe one of many), and they did. This process took longer than expected because of unforeseen difficulties with the people and culture of Panama, and finance issues also arose, but they finally made good on their promise to shareholders. Mister Hayward's Class C share restructuring will now move forward, and perhaps other restructurings as well. Imagine that first timber being pulled from Lake Bayano. Imagine the publicity that event will inspire.
But keep in mind this is but the first step. Hollund will begin its operations with divers using tools operated by hand to cut and recover timber. I have read posts saying Hollund will harvest twice as much timber once the TigerLynk is deployed. Let me just say that figure isn't even close. If one wishes to be conservative (not a bad idea), then a multiplier of ten is more reasonable. The TigerLynk is not only elegant in design, it is both practical and functional, and proven on a commercial scale. Remember, the half size prototype was deployed in Brazil back in 2008 and harvested a million board feet of lumber which helped to build Atlantic City's famed Boardwalk.
Next week we should get our bid back, and the march upward will then begin. And, one might want to buy early because the cheap shares may go quickly. How high could HIMR go? Well, when one joins a revolution it is seldom pretty. This stock will have highs and some lows and will likely make news highs. But the march forward and upward will begin, because no one else has anything like this. I look for a TigerLynk build timeline culminating in deployment by the first half of next year, but not on this concession my friends. I expect bigger and more profitable concessions to follow. One day soon we will likely see a whole fleet of TigerLynks harvesting and in many places around the world.
I see dollar signs in my future folks, and hope to see you all there.