October 16...
In other Company news:
Cyber Kiosk Solutions has renegotiated the transaction with XSKN, Inc. and expects to finalize documents by early next week.?The Companies are in agreement with the following terms:
XSKN, Inc. will return 5 million CYBK shares to Cyber Kiosk Solutions to be canceled which reduces the Company's outstanding shares.
CYBK will receive 35% of XSKN, Inc. instead of 25% stated in a previous Press Release.
CYBK will purchase in Q1 of 2014 special printing equipment to be used at XSKN's facility in China which will print an extremely high resolution image on any silicon skin such as Cell Phone Cases, computer/keyboard accessories and other silicon products.
CYBK, in Q1 of 2014, will pay for specialty licensing for images to be printed on silicon products.
CYBK will utilize its large distribution network partners to sell the licensed specialty products.
Cyber Kiosk Solution's CEO Chris Clarke states, "We are very excited about the mobile app going into the app store next month because it will show the public how large our reach will be. It is an important step in branding and getting the consumer familiar with the technology.?We also look forward to completing the XSKN, Inc. deal ahead of schedule and expect great things in Q1 of 2014 from this relationship."?The Company will release other news in the next two weeks.
November 5...
CYBK has been working to align itself with a major music label that will give the Company access to artists to be placed on products which will be produced by XSKN. The music label Company will be announced upon the signing of the licensing agreement which is expected by end of year. The Company has been negotiating other various licensing deals with major entities to be able to use protected likenesses and images on the XSKN products, which will then be sold through the Company's already established distribution channels. The agreements are being drafted with the goal of executing them in time for the Company to produce and ship product for sales during the first quarter of 2014.