Hey 2can,
Thanks for sharing. It's my understanding that this board as well as the other are "public forums" here for the purpose of disseminating information, bringing issues to the table to be discussed, dissected & confirmed and a place to propose ones hypotheses when clear evidence is lacking from the company(DUTV) . They both are also places to freely express ones opinion about DUTV, their statements, and their actions. Finally, they are a place to confront opinions of others that do not appear to hold any merit toward the goal of bringing the most illuminatioin of DUTV to the forefront.
I suppose this latter aim is the one which you are enacting in your treatise to me. You are fully within your rights to address those items in my discourses that cause you concern, so there is no need for apology, nor do I wish that you lose any priviledge to post your opinion. In fact it is only in an environment where opposing views, opinions and even emotionally charged diatribes are freely allowed that truth has it's greatest opportunity to come to the surface.
I don't say with full conviction that my opinions are correct, but I place them in this public arena to give others the opportunity to challenge them with facts that I may not have at my avail. Maybe my opinions will help someone else form a more grounded opinon or maybe my opinion may cause someone, in rebuttal of it, to bring forth an angle or position of truth that would cause me to adjust my opinion in their direction.
If honest discourse is not allowed because it goes against some over-riding agenda to keep things positive on DUTV then in the end we will all do ourselves and others the greatest disservice possible.
Regarding your contention that I have been "sneaking around" I want to make clear that I post my opinions when I have come to a point where keeping them in does less good than sharing them IMO. Whether it be because I see another sharing an opinion as fact that has not been proven to be so or whether I arrive at a revelation that informs me that a previously accepted opinion on my part holds no merit.
Although I don't agree with your opinion of my being hypocritical I do accept it. I can understand how you might interpret my change in opinoin on DUTV as hypocritical. I will point out that DUTV has been a constant source of statements, PR's , Tweets and Retweets that themselves could be seen as hypocritically in light of the actions they have carried out ths far.
I would encourage you to see my change of heart in light of DUTV's ongoing issues of integrity.
I hope this helps you better understand my position in the past, currently and in the future because I do not plan on varying from this position. You can expect pretty much the same from me ongoing. I do however, hope to see a positive change in the integrity of DUTV's ability to carry out what they have stated to be their aims, in short order.
Finally, regarding my being a leader I say, I lead no one but my self with my conscience and my opinions which I will gladly be accountible to and for. Anyone choosing to follow me whether bllindly or intentionally must be willing to be accountible for whatever results come of it, but I do not openly encourage it. Instead I encourage each to stake out your own opinon, fortify it with facts and hope that it will help you ride out the inevitable storms and challenges that will come when you set a course and pursue it.
May we all win here with DUTV but more importantly if we fail to generate the profits we hope through DUTV, may we at least keep our integrity intact when it's all through.
Posted On: 11/01/2013 11:04:42 AM
Post# of 17650
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