Met with Cheryl Shuman yesterday, thoughts to share:
Cheryl is a brand in and of herself. The platform from which she is bringing exposure to RFMK and its products is bigger than we may realize.
She is a prominent leader/voice/persona within the cannabis movement and she is in demand by many entities. Why? She exudes passion, cares for the people, has clout with individuals in high places (no pun intended), communicates clearly with intelligence, has marketability, and brings some edge with a little controversy due to the associated sector. All these characteristics are ingredients that big entities want when looking for some sort of association.
Even though these things are being done, I believe what Cheryl is trying to do is much bigger than just a quick flash of the Cannacig, or making an appearance on a show. She is contributing to the cannabis movement and insuring long term relevance.
The combination of Cheryl's hard work to build her brand and mini empire, with Tom's efforts in making a REAL company are about to collide and that is going to have a positive and immediate impact on bringing major value to shareholders. The fact that we are in a Presidential election year with legislation on several state ballots will only add fuel to the fire that's about to start.
For what it's worth, I believe Tom has us ready to go and Cheryl has us primed for relevance well into the future. Here's to an explosive upcoming week!
Go RFMK Team!
ps. this is a duplicate post from the "other board" but felt it should be shared here as well. Cheryl has become a personal inspiration for my own struggle in coming out of the cannabis closet. It's not the easiest thing to do when you are a white collared somewhat conservative working professional, but she is inspiring many across the country to stand up for their right to medicate with a natural herb that grows from the earth's soil. I am the modern day cannabis consumer! I am proud to know Cheryl Shuman!